Semi-Auto 1-5L Hot Filling Machine With Mixer, for Petro Jelly Wax Cheese Bottle Mixing Filling

#liquidfilingmachine #thickliquid#filler#hotfilling#doser #heater#mixer Guangzhou ChaoXian Semi-Automatic 1-5L Hot Filling Machine With Mixer, for Petro Jelly Wax Cheese Cream Bottle Mixing Filling 1. Full pneumatic control filling, easy to operate, easy to disassemble and clean; 2. The filling method is controlled by semi-automatic pedals for easy operation. 3. The whole machine is mainly made of SUS304 stainless steel, and the parts are easy to disassemble and clean, beautiful, and durable. 4. The big filling range, fm 1 to 5 L, and oil heated cycle system. Contact | Jeada Lee Guangzhou CX packing industrial Ltd. Tel | 86 20-29890879 Mob | Wechat | WhatsApp | Skype 86 136 3145 6468 Email | jeada@
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