Pumpkin veggie pancakes with seaweed, the texture will surprise you! Gluten free recipe!

@HomemadeVeganIreneYong 《南瓜蔬菜煎饼|Pumpkin Veggie Pancakes》 只用鹰嘴豆粉做的煎饼口感真的会让你有惊喜!香甜粉糯的南瓜,不说还以为加了芝士。吃腻了蒸煮南瓜或南瓜汤吗?试试看这个简单又美味的南瓜蔬菜煎饼! Pancakes made with chickpea flour will really surprise you! The glutinous of squash make me thought the pancake had cheese. Tired of steamed squash or pumpkin soup? Try these easy and delicious Pumpkin Veggie Pancakes! 食材: 南瓜 100克、灯笼椒 40克、胡萝卜 40克、翠玉瓜 60克、 青瓜 40克、鷹嘴豆粉 80克、清水 60-80克、食油 1汤匙、 盐 ⅓茶匙、胡椒粉 ¼茶匙、孜然粉 ⅓茶匙 、 营养酵母粉 ½汤匙、烤海藻(紫菜) 3克 Ingredients: Squash 100g, peppers 40 g, Carrot 40g, Zucchini 60g, Cucumber 40g, Chickpea starch 80g, water 60-80g, Cooking oil 1tbsp, Salt ⅓tsp, white pepper ¼tsp, Cumin powder ⅓tsp, nutritional yeast ½tbsp, Roasted Seaweed (Nori) 3g 与其他面粉相比,”鹰嘴豆粉“不含麸质,并且含有更高比例的蛋白质和碳水化合物以及更高的纤维。 一般来说,豆类是抗性淀粉的最佳来源之一,其功能与膳食纤维非常相似。 生的、干燥的豆类含有约 20-30% 重量的抗性淀粉。 “Chickpea flour” contains no gluten and a higher proportion of protein and carbohydrates and higher fiber relative to other flours. Pulses in general are one of the best sources of resistant starch, which functions much like dietary fiber. Raw, dried pulses contain about 20- 30% resistant starch by weight. #素食 #料理 #家常菜 #南瓜 #鷹嘴豆 #煎饼 #veganrecipes #veganfood #vegan #squash #pumpkin #pancakes
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