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💕 Artist: Koutev Bulgarian National Ensemble 💕
💕 Bulgarian Lyrics 💕
Бре, Петрунко, мори, малай мо...
(Bre, Pentrunko, mori, malai mo...)
Бре, Петрунко, малай моме
(Bre, Petrunko, malai mome)
Все йодиме, мори, йобидо...
(Vse iodime, mori, iobido...)
Все йодиме, йобидоме.
(Vse iodime, iobidome.)
Нигде йоро, мори, не найдо...
(Nigde ioro, mori, ne naido...)
Нигдей оро, не найдоме.
(Nigdei oro, ne naidome.)
В ваше село, мори, дор три йо..
(V vashe selo, mori, dor tri io..)
В ваше село, дор три йора
(V vashe selo, dor tri iora)
Първо йоро, мори, Петрунки...
(Părvo ioro, mori, Petrunki...)
Първой оро, Петрункино.
(Părvoi oro, Petrunkino.)
Петрунчица, море, йоро во...
(Petrunchitsa, more, ioro vo...)
Петрунчица, йоро води.
(Petrunchitsa, ioro vodi.)
Йоздол иде, мори, лудо-мла...
(Iozdol ide, mori, ludo-mla...)
Йоздол иде, лудо-младо.
(Iozdol ide, ludo-mlado.)
Не се фана, мори, на среда..
(Ne se fana, mori, na sreda..)
Не се фана на средата.
(Ne se fana na sredata.)
Най се фана, мори, на тане...
(Nai se fana, mori, na tane...)
Най се фана на танецо.
(Nai se fana na tanetso.)
На танецо, мори, до Петрун...
(Na tanetso, mori, do Petrun...)
На танецо, до Петрунка.
(Na tanetso, do Petrunka.)
С перчем коси, мори, китка ро...
(Spărchi kosi, mori, kitka ro...)
С перчем коси, китка рони.
(Spărchi kosi, kitka roni.)
С нозе си их, мори, чехли ка...
(S noze si ih, mori, chehli ka...)
С нозе си их чехли каля.
(S noze si ih, mori, chehli kalia.)
💕 Bulgarian Lyrics 💕
💕 English Lyrics 💕
Hey, Petrunka, you, young la...
Hey, Petrunka, young lass
We’ve gone, you, all ov...
We’ve gone all over.
We haven’t found horo, you, anywhe..
We haven’t found horo anywhere.
In your village, you, there are three ho...
In your village there are three hora.
The first horo, you, is Petrun...
The first horo, is Petrunka’s
Petrunchitsa, you, the horo lea...
Petrunchitsa the horo leads.
From down the street comes, you, reckless and you...
From down the street comes reckless and young.
He didn’t go , you, in the mid...
He didn’t go in the middle.
But he joined, you, the dan...
But he joined the dance
He joined the dance, you, next to Petrun..
He joined the dance next to Petrunka.
With his forelock, you, her flower he te...
With his forelock her flower he tears.
With his legs her, you, flippers he pudd...
With his legs her flippers he puddles.
💕 English Lyrics 💕
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