BBC says WTC7 has collapsed, but it’s still standing!!

BBC says WTC7 has collapsed, but it’s still standing and is visible behind the woman!! They call it the “Salomon Brother’s Building“ but that’s just another name. WTC7 is just a designated number for the buildings in the World Trade Center Complex... the two Twin Towers were called WTC1 and WTC2. This is the short version. Also, it’s without the text. ---------------------------- 911 BBC WTC7 WTC World Trade Center 9-11 9/11 mysteries terrorstorm infowars axxo ps3 xbox 360 xbox360 playstation psp ps2 call of duty it the hey lol omg omfg lolz blubb blob sexy porn anal asian hamster dog cat skyline r32 r33 r34 v35 nissan dodge challenger vanishing point freedom tyranny bush cheney blair putin russia usa united states of america american north union johnny cash nightwish anime death note ergo proxy twilight zone rise police state road history government cover-up coverup chessboard grand conspiracy nwo new order star wars skywalker deathstar star lain amv titanic remember 1984 nineteen eighty four nineteen-eighty-four eighty-four soviet allies windows linux hdtv sony blu-ray metal gear snake solid liquid gold portable driver driv3r parallel lines surround juice dvd dvdr dvd-r hentai lord rings fellowship return king jedi hope fan edit alex jones aaron russo video google youtube utube categories channels community torrent torrents computer computers pc volume water flesh skin dead owl fox icbm cruise missile hydrogen bomb nuke nuclear iran war ww1 ww2 wwi wwii ww3 wwiii winter summer spring hydrocarbon dirty fire burn electricity entertainment peoople blog blogs travel places comedy gadgets games news politics sports pets animals music film animation auto vehicles
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